Blog post four
For the show I am going to be presenting a painting that I have been working on over the summer. This painting explores ideas of aesthetics, and presents a critique on societal expectations of women in terms of beauty and emotion. A further critique on Pop Art- specifically Roy Lichtenstein’s, Pop Art girls who always seem to be in a state of affect from implied or visually shown men around them. These girls are often shown with tears, in an emotional state.
To create this piece I constructed my own stretcher bars and hand stretched a primed canvas over the bars. I enjoy this self-made aspect for my works. From there I got to work by applying a tinted wash of paint to the canvas and then sketching out the details of the piece via a grid-method. After the sketch was complete, I started mixing colors and painting. The piece is currently in my 280 studio, covered in paint and in a state of “almost completion”. I would like to fully complete the work within the next couple of weeks.